Around the World in 80 Clicks: My Journey with Surfshark VPN


Inspired by Verne, Empowered by Technology

Just as Phileas Fogg embarked on an audacious journey around the world in Jules Verne’s classic, I set out on a digital odyssey of my own. While Fogg had 80 days, all I had were 80 clicks. The world has changed dramatically since Verne’s time, and the realms of exploration have expanded beyond the physical.

Frontispiece: Phileas Fogg. “Around the World in Eighty Days” by Jules Verne (Osgood, 1873). 1st US ed.

Today, our digital age offers avenues of discovery that Verne could never have imagined, and I was eager to dive into this new world of virtual travel.

The Concept of Virtual Travel

Journeying Beyond Borders, Without a Passport

The idea of virtual travel has always intrigued me. How could one possibly feel the pulse of a bustling Tokyo street, the serenity of a Balinese temple, or the vibrancy of Rio’s beaches without ever boarding a flight?

Future of Digital Privacy

But as I delved deeper, I realized that virtual travel isn’t about replacing the tangible experiences but augmenting them. It’s about accessing the parts of the world that are often beyond our reach, all from the comfort of our homes.

With every click, a new culture, a new story, and a new perspective unraveled before me.

Beginning the Journey: Setting up Surfshark

My Digital Conduit to the World

As I stood on the precipice of this global adventure, I needed a trustworthy companion. Enter Surfshark VPN. Setting it up was my first step into this expansive digital journey.

For those unacquainted, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is more than just a security tool; it’s a gateway to the world. With Surfshark, I could virtually position myself anywhere on the globe, bypassing the pesky geo-restrictions that often act as digital barriers.

With a user-friendly interface and a promise of secure exploration, I felt armed and ready to commence my global trek.

Continent-by-Continent Exploration

Digital Footprints Across the Globe


With Surfshark as my virtual vessel, I began my expedition in Asia. A click transported me to the heart of Seoul, where I immersed myself in K-pop culture and digital art forums. Europe was next, with virtual tours of renowned museums in Paris and a deep dive into the indie music scene of Berlin.

Africa offered an enriching experience, from engaging with local online communities in Nairobi to virtually exploring the bustling markets of Marrakech.

Venturing further, I found myself amidst the vibrant digital landscapes of Latin America, understanding the essence of tango through Argentine websites and relishing the richness of Brazilian literature through online reading forums.

The Oceania region, with its vast expanse, presented digital wonders ranging from Australian wildlife blogs to Polynesian online cultural fests.

The Unexpected Discoveries

Surprises Beyond the Surf

Every journey has its unexpected delights, and my virtual tour was no different. While virtually meandering through the bylanes of Bangkok, I chanced upon a local forum discussing traditional Thai recipes, which soon became my go-to for culinary experiments.

A digital detour in Spain led me to an online flamenco workshop, while a random exploration in Nigeria introduced me to the enchanting world of Nollywood.

One of the most heartwarming experiences was joining a global book club that had members from every continent. Our discussions, fueled by diverse perspectives, became a testament to the universal love for storytelling.


The World, A Click Away

Reflecting on my journey, I marveled at the vastness of our digital world and the bridges we can build with just a few clicks. Surfshark VPN was not just a tool; it was my trusted companion, ensuring safety while amplifying discovery.

In 80 clicks, I traversed continents, cultures, and communities, realizing that while the mode of exploration has evolved, the human thirst for knowledge and connection remains timeless. Get Surfshark Today at a discounted price now.

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